Problem refreshing price data


I was working on my multi-currency program and requires NZDUSD price feed and realise Metaquote does not provide this feed.  So I switch my development to fxcm and found that the price stopped at the last time I login (on 2010.9.24 20:55).  No matter how many charts I switched, it does not show the latest price despite the live feed is being shown in watch window.  How to activate the refreshing of the chart?

Documentation on MQL5: Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Chart Constants / Positioning Constants
Standard Constants, Enumerations and Structures / Chart Constants / Positioning Constants - Documentation on MQL5

I was working on my multi-currency program and requires NZDUSD price feed and realise Metaquote does not provide this feed.  So I switch my development to fxcm and found that the price stopped at the last time I login (on 2010.9.24 20:55).  No matter how many charts I switched, it does not show the latest price despite the live feed is being shown in watch window.  How to activate the refreshing of the chart?


Problem still exists with build 362.  Is this a bug with MT5 or problem with FXCM's server?