Wild volatility

We could be in for wild volatility in the first 2 weeks of July. Something like what we saw in Jan 2015.

What is the best protection? Lookin for ideas...
Maybe some pip traps ?

What is the best protection?
Don't be in the market during those two weeks.
We could be in for wild volatility in the first 2 weeks of July. Something like what we saw in Jan 2015.

What is the best protection? Lookin for ideas...

Come to Greece and relax in Myconos. :)

Generally : Dont trade after may and before octomber

Until the 16th, most likely, nothing terrible will happen. And during the meeting of the USA and Russian presidents, there will be a race. In what direction is unknown, but likely.
What is the best protection? Lookin for ideas...

stop-loss :-)

Thanks everybody.

Had been wondering what the ideal account currency should be as well... Am sticking to USD for now though I had changed to GLD a while back before flipping back to USD. wrong move?
Thanks everybody.

Had been wondering what the ideal account currency should be as well... Am sticking to USD for now though I had changed to GLD a while back before flipping back to USD. wrong move?

The best currency is any of those, which your broker sends you to your account immediately after your request.