Indicators: LSMA in Color


LSMA in Color:

The indicator is build on the basis of moving averages. Its main feature is entering/leaving signal - the indicator's line is colored in a certain color signaling for the user to buy or to sell. The accuracy of the signal is very high.

Author: John Smith


Will it be possible to put a message alert on this indicator?


Yes, it's possible. Check buffers values when color is changing.

this indicator is wonderful i have just combine it with the TDII it works perfect on all time frames


HEY scriptor pls can u add an alert to this ground breaking indicator. Thanks


Thanks scriptor.

Can I use this indicator on Expert Advisor with icustom function. İf yes. How can i use it. And How can I define yellow, green and red locations on expert advisor usign icustom function or any fuction ?


Is this indicator repainting colours?

Repaint! Do not use for confirmation/exit signals. Really screwed me over. Waste of time/money