Indicators: PVT



Price Volume Trend (PVT) is an indicator of price trend and volume, similar to the standard On Balance Volume (OBV) indicator.

The indicator has no configurable parameters.

Calculation formula:

PVT = ((Close - Close(-1)) / Close(-1)) * TickVolume + PVT(-1)

Interpretation of indicator values is similar to standard On Balance Volume and Accumulation/Distribution (AD).

Author: Scriptor

The indicator does not plot anything in the window. I have MT5 and new to programming. Any reason the indicator does not plot in window?
The indicator does not plot any data, nor is the indicator name plotted. The only process that occurs is a blank window below price. I am new to programming and can not see why nothing is displayed. I even added PloitIndexSetInterger(0,PLOT_DRAW_BEGIN,20) to line 33, which yielded no result. Any idea why the indicator does nothing but create a window?