possible loss of data due to type conversion error


I am busy developing an EA.
EA works but I have 2 warnings in code when compiling.
does anyone have a solution towards removing the warnings?

1st one 

possible loss of data due to type conversion 1st Hedge EA overlay v7 timer.mq4 229 81

2nd one 

possible use of uninitialized variable 'ticket' 1st Hedge EA overlay v7 timer.mq4 234 11

int ticket; 
if(type== OP_BUY){
ticket=OrderSend(symbol,OP_BUY,0.01,NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_ASK),MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_DIGITS)),10,0,0,StringConcatenate(magic),magic,0,clrNONE); // 229 81 // 
if(type== OP_SELL){
   return(ticket); // 243 11 //
1st one 

possible loss of data due to type conversion 1st Hedge EA overlay v7 timer.mq4 229 81

MarketInfo() returns a double.

NormalizeDouble is expecting an integer for the digits argument.


2nd one 

possible use of uninitialized variable 'ticket' 1st Hedge EA overlay v7 timer.mq4 234 11

So initialize it.

int ticket = -1;
Franzel Botha:

I am busy developing an EA.
EA works but I have 2 warnings in code when compiling.
does anyone have a solution towards removing the warnings?

1st one 

possible loss of data due to type conversion 1st Hedge EA overlay v7 timer.mq4 229 81

2nd one 

possible use of uninitialized variable 'ticket' 1st Hedge EA overlay v7 timer.mq4 234 11

The code you provided:

int ticket; 
if(type== OP_BUY){
ticket=OrderSend(symbol,OP_BUY,0.01,NormalizeDouble(MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_ASK),MarketInfo(symbol,MODE_DIGITS)),10,0,0,StringConcatenate(magic),magic,0,clrNONE); // 229 81 // 
if(type== OP_SELL){
   return(ticket); // 243 11 //

Use can use type casting to convert that from double to int.

For example:

int myDigits = (int)MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_DIGITS); //This gives you the digits as an Integer.
string mySymbol = Symbol(); //This gives you the current symbol of the chart
int ticket = -1; //initialize the ticket variable

Then if you want to send an order it would look something like as follows.

Thnx for the replies.

It makes great sense now.
void CheckLOT()
                  int Type=OrderType();
                  double Lot=OrderLots();
                     for(int i=0; i < OrdersTotal(); i++)
                     if(Type==OP_BUY) {Lot1 = Lot*i; }       
                     if(Type==OP_SELL){Lot2 = Lot*i; } 
                     _Lots = Lot1+Lot2;
                      Lot1 = 0;
                      Lot2 = 0;
                     _Lots = 0;
return value of 'OrderSelect' should be checked


OrderSelect might not select an order and return false. Then all the things below will be done to the previously selected order or not done at all.

You should probably check OrdersTotal before selecting an order.

possible loss of data due to type conversion error

#property strict
#define __STRATEGY_MAGIC 1001000000

input double _TrailingStop    = 0;                 // TrailingStop

int init() {


int start() {

   bool _Trailing_SELL = false;  
   bool _TrailingSELL2 = false;
   bool _TrailingSELL3 = false;

   _Trailing_SELL       = Simple_Trailing_Stop(13, 0, _TrailingStop, 10);   
   _TrailingSELL2       = Simple_Trailing_Stop(15, 0, _TrailingStop, 10);
   _TrailingSELL3       = Simple_Trailing_Stop(17, 0, _TrailingStop, 10);

   if( __isOpenedPosition(2, Symbol()) && !__isExist( 13, Symbol() ) ) {
      _SellStop1 = _Number_Input_3 >= MarketInfo( Symbol() ,MODE_MINLOT);
      if( _SellStop1 == true ) _SellStop1 = OrderSend( Symbol(), 5, _Number_Input_3, NormalizeDouble( (_Sell_2 -(5)), (int)MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS ) ), 0, __stopLossValue( Symbol(), 5, (_Sell_2 - (5)), _Number_Input_5 ), __takeProfitValue( Symbol(), 5, (_Sell_2 - (5)), _Number_Input_4 ), "PD" + "(" + WindowExpertName() + ") " + "SELL STOP1", __STRATEGY_MAGIC + 13, D'1970.01.01 00:00:00' ) >= 0;
      if( _SellStop1 == false ) Sleep(__SLEEP_AFTER_EXECUTION_FAIL); 
   if( __isOpenedPosition(2, Symbol()) && !__isExist( 15, Symbol() ) ) {
      _SellStop2 = _Number_Input_3 >= MarketInfo( Symbol() ,MODE_MINLOT);
      if( _SellStop2 == true ) _SellStop2 = OrderSend( Symbol(), 5, _Number_Input_3, NormalizeDouble( (_Sell_2 -(10)), (int)MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS ) ), 0, __stopLossValue( Symbol(), 5, (_Sell_2 -(10)), _Number_Input_5 ), __takeProfitValue( Symbol(), 5, (_Sell_2 - (10)), _Number_Input_4 ), "PD" + "(" + WindowExpertName() + ") " + "SELL STOP2", __STRATEGY_MAGIC + 15, D'1970.01.01 00:00:00' ) >= 0;
      if( _SellStop2 == false ) Sleep(__SLEEP_AFTER_EXECUTION_FAIL); 
   if( __isOpenedPosition(2, Symbol()) && !__isExist( 17, Symbol() ) ) {
      _SellStop3 = _Number_Input_3 >= MarketInfo( Symbol() ,MODE_MINLOT);
      if( _SellStop3 == true ) _SellStop3 = OrderSend( Symbol(), 5, _Number_Input_3, NormalizeDouble( (_Sell_2 -(15)), (int)MarketInfo( Symbol(), MODE_DIGITS ) ), 0, __stopLossValue( Symbol(), 5, (_Sell_2 -(15)), _Number_Input_5 ), __takeProfitValue( Symbol(), 5, (_Sell_2 - (15)), _Number_Input_4 ), "PD" + "(" + WindowExpertName() + ") " + "SELL STOP3", __STRATEGY_MAGIC + 17, D'1970.01.01 00:00:00' ) >= 0;
      if( _SellStop3 == false ) Sleep(__SLEEP_AFTER_EXECUTION_FAIL); 

bool Simple_Trailing_Stop(int MagicIndex, int WaitForProfit, int TrailingStopPoints, int MinAdjustmentPoints)
   double pnlPoints=0;   
   double price, sl, tp;
   double point = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_POINT);
   int stopLevel = int(MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_STOPLEVEL) + MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_SPREAD));  
   int cmd; 
   bool result = true;   
   double newSl;

   int total = OrdersTotal();
      for(int i=total-1;i>=0;i--){
      if (!OrderSelect(i, SELECT_BY_POS)) continue;
      if(OrderMagicNumber() != __STRATEGY_MAGIC + MagicIndex || OrderSymbol() != Symbol()) continue;
      cmd = OrderType();      
      sl = NormalizeDouble(OrderStopLoss(),Digits);
      tp = OrderTakeProfit();
      if (OrderType() == OP_BUY)
         price = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_BID);
         newSl = NormalizeDouble(price - TrailingStopPoints * point, Digits);    
         if(((tp - price)/point) < stopLevel && tp != 0) continue;         
         if(((price - newSl)/point) < stopLevel)continue; 
         if(WaitForProfit == 0)
            pnlPoints = (price - OrderOpenPrice())/point; 
            if (pnlPoints < TrailingStopPoints ) continue;  
         if (sl + MinAdjustmentPoints*point>= newSl) continue;       
         if(!OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), newSl, tp, 0))
            printf("Error: Failed to modify trade. Ticket #%i, error code: %i", OrderTicket(), GetLastError());
            result = false;
      else if (OrderType() == OP_SELL)
         price = MarketInfo(Symbol(),MODE_ASK);
         newSl = NormalizeDouble(price+ TrailingStopPoints * point, Digits);
         if(((price - tp)/point) < stopLevel) continue;
         if(((newSl - price)/point) < stopLevel) continue;
         if(WaitForProfit == 0)
            pnlPoints = (OrderOpenPrice() - price)/point;
            if (pnlPoints < TrailingStopPoints) continue; 
         if (sl - MinAdjustmentPoints*point <= newSl && sl != 0) continue;
         if(!OrderModify(OrderTicket(), OrderOpenPrice(), newSl, tp, 0))
            printf("Error: Failed to modify trade. Ticket #%i, error code: %i", OrderTicket(), GetLastError());
            result = false;
pradit thongget: possible loss of data due to type conversion error
input double _TrailingStop    = 0;                 // TrailingStop
int start() {

   bool _Trailing_SELL = Simple_Trailing_Stop(13, 0, _TrailingStop, 10);
   bool _TrailingSELL2 = Simple_Trailing_Stop(15, 0, _TrailingStop, 10);
   bool _TrailingSELL3 = Simple_Trailing_Stop(17, 0, _TrailingStop, 10);

bool Simple_Trailing_Stop(int MagicIndex, int WaitForProfit, int TrailingStopPoints,
Anthony Garot #:

MarketInfo() returns a double.

NormalizeDouble is expecting an integer for the digits argument.

Plz write me on telegram or send me your telegram I have an ea job for you to do for me