Fake Agents?


Hi there,

does anybody know, if there are, what I would call, fake agents out there in the cloud?

Last time I used the cloud (which was about 6 months ago) everything was fine.

Now, whenever i do some optimization with some thousand passes, hundreds of times I get the same result: Profit -9913,89, Result: 7415,95

This certainly isn't a fault in my code, as I get perfectly normal results when I use only my PC. Even when I rerun the optimization, the results are different. There again will be hundreds of Profit -9913,89 lines, but they will occur on different parameter-sets than before.

While it's cumbersome to recalc it 3 or 4 times and put the pieces together, I could do it. I just don't see why I should pay for that crap.

So, anybody else made similar experiences?

(just to make sure: neither restarts, recompiling, nor anything in that direction did change anything.. it's always the same -9913,89)

Thanks in advance,



Hi there,

does anybody know, if there are, what I would call, fake agents out there in the cloud?

Last time I used the cloud (which was about 6 months ago) everything was fine.

Now, whenever i do some optimization with some thousand passes, hundreds of times I get the same result: Profit -9913,89, Result: 7415,95

This certainly isn't a fault in my code, as I get perfectly normal results when I use only my PC. Even when I rerun the optimization, the results are different. There again will be hundreds of Profit -9913,89 lines, but they will occur on different parameter-sets than before.

While it's cumbersome to recalc it 3 or 4 times and put the pieces together, I could do it. I just don't see why I should pay for that crap.

So, anybody else made similar experiences?

(just to make sure: neither restarts, recompiling, nor anything in that direction did change anything.. it's always the same -9913,89)

Thanks in advance,


Hi, in my opinion it would be necessary analyse your main terminal log messages to identify the root cause.

However, what about using a very simple EA to check if the Cloud works?

If so, the only reasons I can see is Cloud bug or some EA fail/error when using it.

In both cases, logs are welcome.