Compile error since build 930


Since Build 930 some of my code won't compile

The error happens when referencing a static variable of a class inside the class itself.


class SingletonClass {
    static SingletonClass* singleton; // err: unresolved static variable 'SingletonClass::singleton'

    SingletonClass* get(void) {
        if (singleton == NULL) {
            singleton = new SingletonClass();
        return singleton;


That's no big deal, I can use a global variable... 


Since Build 930 some of my code won't compile

The error happens when referencing a static variable of a class inside the class itself.



That's no big deal, I can use a global variable... 

The new version of the compiler static data members must now be placed.

class CFoo
   static int     m_x;

int CFoo::m_x=10;         <<--- placing a static member

Place you can:

class SingletonClass {
    static SingletonClass* singleton;

    SingletonClass* get(void) {
        if (singleton == NULL) {
            singleton = new SingletonClass();
        return singleton;

SingletonClass* SingletonClass::singleton = NULL;

В новой версии компилятора статические члены-данные теперь необходимо размещать.

Please post in English only on this forum. Thank you.

It worked!

Thank you Fleder