How to stop chart window V_Line drawing in separate/sub window


V_LINES are created in the Chart  Window.

OBJPROP_BACK, true places the V_Lines behind the buttons in the separate window - as per attached image.

The V_LINES in the separate window scroll with the chart window - the buttons remain stationary - The V_Lines above and below the buttons form a distraction when chart scrolling.

Is there a way to completely eliminate the chart window V_Lines from drawing in the separate window ?

#property indicator_chart_window

input color  Line_1_Color = DodgerBlue; // Line 1  Color 
input bool   Line_1_Visible = true;     // Line 1  Visible
input string Line_1_Time = "08:00";     // Line 1  Time
input LW     Line_1_Width = 1;          // Line 1  Width
input ENUM_LINE_STYLE Line_1_Style = 1; // Line 1  Style

CreateObjects("T1"+ IntegerToString(i), Line_1_Color);
ObjectSet("T1"+IntegerToString(i), OBJPROP_WIDTH, Line_1_Width);
ObjectSet("T1"+IntegerToString(i), OBJPROP_STYLE, Line_1_Style);

void CreateObjects(string no, color cl)
  ObjectCreate(0, no, OBJ_VLINE, 0, 0, 0);
  ObjectSet(no, OBJPROP_COLOR, cl);
  ObjectSet(no, OBJPROP_BACK, true);
  ObjectSet(no, OBJPROP_SELECTABLE, false);

V_Lines ib separate window

Why don't you adopt "OBJ_TREND" instead of "OBJ_VLINE"?
Naguisa Unada:
Why don't you adopt "OBJ_TREND" instead of "OBJ_VLINE"?

mind block - perfect - thanks
