SymbolSelect(symName,false)always failed with error 4305,what is wrong?

Dear all,
  I use the following simple script to remove the currency pair with bid price<1.0 from the market watch.I notieced that during debug, Each time SymbolSelect(SymbolName, false) is called, it fails with error #4305. What's wrong with my code? Many thanks for your help.
void OnStart(){
  int SymCntinMarketWatch=0, AllSymCnt=0;
  double bid=0.0;

  for(int i=AllSymCnt-1;i>=0;i--){
    string sym=SymbolName(i,true);
    //Alert("Sym=",sym," Bid=",SymbolInfoDouble(sym,SYMBOL_BID));
    CSymbolInfo SYM;
         Alert("SymbolSelect",sym," failed() #",GetLastError());
Dear all,
  I use the following simple script to remove the currency pair with bid price<1.0 from the market watch.I notieced that during debug, Each time SymbolSelect(SymbolName, false) is called, it fails with error #4305. What's wrong with my code? Many thanks for your help.

Your code is working well. But did you read the documentation of SymbolSelect() ?

A symbol can't be removed if the symbol chart is open, or there are open positions for this symbol.


Your code is working well. But did you read the documentation of SymbolSelect() ?

Dear angevoyageur,

  thank you for your concern this problem has been successfully solved after I closed all the open positions. I did read the related document before, but i havenot paid attention to the last sentence at that time.

Thank you for your kind help again!
