Newbie learn to coding, please solve for me thanks. 'Verbose' - variable not defined


Hi, I'm Newbie of coding. Copy, Paste and edit is my Practice now, i facing some problem hope you guys can help me.

Please help to solve the error as below. Thanks

'Verbose' - variable not defined 

Utility Functions



extern string OrderReliableErrTxt(int err)


return (err + "  ::  " + ErrorDescription(err));


void OrderReliablePrint(string s)


   if(Verbose)Print(OrderReliable_Fname + " " + OrderReliableVersion + ":     " + s);



string OrderTypeToString(int type)


if (type == OP_BUY) return("BUY");

if (type == OP_SELL) return("SELL");

if (type == OP_BUYSTOP) return("BUY STOP");

if (type == OP_SELLSTOP) return("SELL STOP");

if (type == OP_BUYLIMIT) return("BUY LIMIT");

if (type == OP_SELLLIMIT) return("SELL LIMIT");

return("None (" + type + ")");



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Thank you.

2124957: Please help to solve the error as below. 'Verbose' - variable not defined
  1. When you post code please use the CODE button (Alt-S)! (For large amounts of code, attach it.) Please edit your post.
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  2. You know what the problem is. Fix it! What help do you expect from us?