Demo Cryptocurrency charts in MT5 - page 2

Lorentzos Roussos:

Im building the base module as we speak . 
I'll send the code to you personally when its done :) (the feed code)

Thank you very much, I really appreciate, I will be waiting for it.

Evolve uses cryptocurrency for deposit and trade settlement, and primarily focuses on trading and liquidity. Cryptocurrency trading on MT5, however, is what sets Evolve Markets apart from other MetaTrader brokers and enables it to compete directly with exchange margin trading cryptocurrency platforms.
Demo Cryptocurrency charts in MT5
Demo Cryptocurrency charts in MT5
  • 2018.07.02
Good morning, I have been trading with cryptocurrencies here in Brazil, but none of the Brazilian Brokers support MT5 (which is the platform I use...
Lorentzos Roussos:

Im building the base module as we speak . 
I'll send the code to you personally when its done :) (the feed code)

Hello sir, can I try this code too?
Edricho Wijaya:
Hello sir, can I try this code too?

@Edricho Wijaya sure

Lorentzos Roussos:

Im building the base module as we speak . 
I'll send the code to you personally when its done :) (the feed code)

Hello Lorentzos, can I try this code too? 
Lorentzos Roussos:

Im building the base module as we speak . 
I'll send the code to you personally when its done :) (the feed code)

Hello Lorentzos, can I try this code too? 
Lorentzos Roussos:

@Edricho Wijaya sure

Hello Lorentzos, can I try this code too? 

Lorentzos Roussos:

Im building the base module as we speak . 
I'll send the code to you personally when its done :) (the feed code)

Lorentzos, Would you mind please share with me too? I'm trying to get crypto charts on Mt5... thank you!!