mqh file


Hi all, is there the possibility to shift a portion of code in an .mqh file, in order to obtain a smaller .mq4 file?

I'd like to shift in a .mqh file the part code in which I create the Global Variables, but I don't want to create a single .mqh file for every Global Variable (using the return function).

Thank you!

Alberto Tortella:

Hi all, is there the possibility to shift a portion of code in an .mqh file, in order to obtain a smaller .mq4 file?

I'd like to shift in a .mqh file the part code in which I create the Global Variables, but I don't want to create a single .mqh file for every Global Variable (using the return function).

Thank you!


Just include the mqh-file in your mq4.

That's it

Alberto Tortella:

Hi all, is there the possibility to shift a portion of code in an .mqh file, in order to obtain a smaller .mq4 file?

I'd like to shift in a .mqh file the part code in which I create the Global Variables, but I don't want to create a single .mqh file for every Global Variable (using the return function).

Thank you!

Typically you want to put declarations in the header files and code in the implementation files.

Consider (for C++)

Anthony Garot:

Typically you want to put declarations in the header files and code in the implementation files.

Consider (for C++)

Except with MQL:


class Something : public CObject
   public: void PublicMethod();

#include "../src/something_src.mqh" //don't have to do this with C++


//Something src
#include "../include/something_h.mqh"

void Something::PublicMethod()
   Print("Hello world!");


#include "include/something_h.mqh"

Something *something = new Something;