Historical data 1 minute imported but no all other timeframe updated



In the historical center window data, I have imported an historical 1 minute DAX  file.txt  from Jennuary 2015 until these days. And everything went ok!

The problem that  I didn’t get updated all the other timeframe.

So I thought to myself , now I import the same 1 minute text file into the 5 minutes 15 minutes 30 minutes and h1 window data, thinking that metatrader would have automatically adjusted it ( building  the 5 minute, 15minute …).

I ended up to have all the 5 timeframes with 1 minute file, whichever  I scroll I see the data gap of 1 minute.

Any idea how to import the 1 minute historical file.txt  and getting at   the same time the 5 minutes, 15 min, 30 min …..  updated, starting from the 2015 year?


Kind regrads, and also my tanks for the answer I got in the previous topic


Download M1. Then use the period converter to generate the rest. Only MT5 generates the others when needed.


Download M1. Then use the period converter to generate the rest. Only MT5 generates the others when needed.

tanks Whroeder1,but where is the period converter tool??