how to get the volume of the best bid?


I want to get the value of the best bid. EG:

if the best price of the best bid is 2000 and its volume is 5000, then I want to be able to get that 5000 value in a variable.

How can I do this?

I couldnt find anything in SymbolInfoDouble() function.

Please help.



I want to get the value of the best bid. EG:

if the best price of the best bid is 2000 and its volume is 5000, then I want to be able to get that 5000 value in a variable.

How can I do this?

I couldnt find anything in SymbolInfoDouble() function.

Please help.


You will have to combine a for loop with the MarketBookGet() function. Something like:

//--- globals
long ask_volume = 0;
long bid_volume = 0;
MqlBookInfo BookInfo[];

//--- inside OnInit()

//--- inside OnTick() or OnTimer()
for(int i=0;i<ArraySize(BookInfo)-1;i++)
   if(BookInfo[i].type != BookInfo[i+1].type)
      ask_volume = BookInfo[i].volume;
      bid_volume = BookInfo[i+1].volume;