Count how many lost orders from the last profit order


Hi, I wonder if someone can help me. I need to calculate total lost orders from my order history, since the last profit order closed. I can count the orders but i am struggling with the equation of selecting it from the last profit order. Below is my script. Please can someone help out?

int TotalLostOrders()
#define ASCENDING -1
  int total=0; 
  int hstTotal = OrdersHistoryTotal();
   for(int i=0; i < hstTotal; i++)
         if(OrderMagicNumber()== Magic && OrderProfit() < 0)
           else Print(__FUNCTION__,"Failed to select order",GetLastError());
   return (total);
SmartSarb: need to calculate total lost orders from my order history, since the last profit order closed.
  1. for(int i=0; i < hstTotal; i++)
    You are processing the earliest orders not the latest. You count all looser but you don't reset the count at a winner. Or you can process the latest and stop counting when you find the latest winner.

  2. OrderProfit() < 0
    Profit = OrderProfit + commission + swap.

  3. if(OrderMagicNumber()== Magic
    You are processing orders from any chart, not the current one.

  4. There are other things in history besides closed orders.

  5. You assume history is ordered by date, it's not.
  1. You are processing the earliest orders not the latest. You count all looser but you don't reset the count at a winner. Or you can process the latest and stop counting when you find the latest winner.

  2. Profit = OrderProfit + commission + swap.

  3. You are processing orders from any chart, not the current one.

  4. There are other things in history besides closed orders.

  5. You assume history is ordered by date, it's not.

Points #1 and #5 are contradictory. 

nicholishen: Points #1 and #5 are contradictory. 

It is mostly ordered ascending. Therefor the code is mostly "processing the earliest orders." Therefor #1 and #5 are not mostly "contradictory."


Hi, I wonder if someone can help me. I need to calculate total lost orders from my order history, since the last profit order closed. I can count the orders but i am struggling with the equation of selecting it from the last profit order. Below is my script. Please can someone help out?

Like whroeder said, you need to sort your orders programmatically before you analyse them. Here is a class to do just that

void OnStart()
   MQL4OrderPool pool;
   pool.Init(  Symbol(),
               0,             // magic
               MODE_HISTORY,  // mode
               ORDERS_FILLED, // filter by order type filled = OP_BUY+OP_SELL
               SORT_CLOSE_TIME_DESCENDING);// default sort mode
   int losing_orders = 0;
   for(int i=0;i<pool.Total();i++)
      if(pool[i].OrderProfit() < 0)
   // or you can also use 
   for(MQL4Order *ord = pool.GetFirstNode();ord!=NULL;ord = pool.GetNextNode())
      if(ord.OrderProfit() < 0)

so that you can count losing orders.

or if you're feeling lazy you can just copy/paste this function...

int LosingOrdersSinceProfitOrder(int magic)
   MQL4OrderPool pool;
   int losing = 0;
   if(pool.Total() < 2)
      return losing;
   if(pool[0].OrderProfit() > 0)
      for(int i=1;i<pool.Total();i++)
         if(pool[i].OrderProfit() < 0)
   return losing;

Like whroeder said, you need to sort your orders programmatically before you analyse them. Here is a class to do just that

so that you can count losing orders.

or if you're feeling lazy you can just copy/paste this function...

Thanks alot guys. You are superb

nicholi shen:

Like whroeder said, you need to sort your orders programmatically before you analyse them. Here is a class to do just that

so that you can count losing orders.

or if you're feeling lazy you can just copy/paste this function...

Thank you so much