MetaTester64 not updating on remote agents



I have 23 remote agents running metatester64.exe as a service. With the previous builds (pre 334) i had no problem, optimazition and live update was fine.
As the subject suggests, the remote agents are not auto updating to build 334, and they immediately fail when testing.
Manual "updating" (reinstalling the service with the new build) works, but  logging in into all the machines, uninstalling, copying the new version to the machine, installing is really excrutiating. 

Please look into the matter!

Thank you in advance 

PS.: Adding 23*8 cores was also very painful, i wrote an autoit script to do the work for me. Restarting agents is also a real problem.
A feature to group agents, start and stop groups would be very helpful. 



I have 23 remote agents running metatester64.exe as a service. With the previous builds (pre 334) i had no problem, optimazition and live update was fine.
As the subject suggests, the remote agents are not auto updating to build 334, and they immediately fail when testing.
Manual "updating" (reinstalling the service with the new build) works, but  logging in into all the machines, uninstalling, copying the new version to the machine, installing is really excrutiating. 

Please look into the matter!

We've already heard this problem about. But we need to get more information.

It would be so helpful if you wrote to servicedesk and sent to us as many details as possible. Please attach logs of terminal and agents.


I think, in the agents windows in terminal, should be designed ad added such features, to little bit control the 

various agents over the lan.

Some features may be:

- auto updating of the agents (with the terminal of course..) EVEN if the user does not start the terminal

   on the machines (for live update). This may be a flag, in example "auto update terminal in background" yes/no

Sometimes is very hard to access all the computers in the lan, and manually start the terminal for waiting for the live update..

A function that auto-update the terminal and tester, using the tester.exe background service as a demon for controlling

the live update (without the user launching every time the terminal) is the best solution. So this way we can have all the time,

all the terminals and testers on the lan, automatically updated and syncronized!


As the user tbalazs suggest, there should be some for controlling and grouping the agents remotely, without accessing physically

the machines where the agents are installed.


So come on Metaquotes, those are "easy" tasks, that not only will improve the software, but also you will see yourself are

not trascurable.

I very hope those features will be added soon.


I suggested many time, you can improve very high the software, by maintaining it's simplicity too..

But you should understand, that if from a side there are users that want simplicity and easy-jobs, on the other

side there are users that want expert-jobs, advanced options, customizations, etc..

You can always add those advanced options, as a new window on the terminal, just for who want use it..

Such advanced options, in example, may include agents tester of the lan, be controlled, the background auto update

(live update) service, etc....


Thanks for given listen. 

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