steps to successful forex


please can some one help me with information on steps to successful forex trading

please can some one help me with information on steps to successful forex trading

learning more about market. and test your stategy with demo account . if you have profit you will trade with real money


The best way to move forward with your trading is to narrow your focus. Find a simple but proven system. Back test it on a demo account on only 1-2 forex pairs. Until your happy trading with your results.

Learn not to force your trading. It will only burn you. Work on your patience if it's something you lack.

Yes there is a little more to it than that but the important thing here is to not over complicate the learning process as It's something a lot of us traders do.


Don’t change your goals based on short-term market fluctuations. Similarly, don’t aimlessly hold on to a goal if it is not feasible.*