[B]Golden Instruments: Gold vs S&P 500[/B]



Some months ago I found a broker which offers golden instruments like XAUXAG, XAUOIL,XAUSnP. From these golden instruments I’ve traded only XAUSnP on real account. The other two I’ve tried only in demo account My profit was not that much because I was trading with low leverage,and for the first time, but I’m planning to trade the other two golden instruments XAUXAG, XAUOIL in near future and with the help of good analysis I think again I’ll have profit, but this time more

It would be interesting to see if anyone else has traded such instruments??? Or do you know that there are such pairs in the market.??

Any comment will be appreciated.


I’ve never tried to trade golden instruments because I’m new to trading and right now I’m trading with currency pairs. But these combinations sound challenging., because to my view trading gold can always be profitable. GOLD NEVER LOSES ITS VAL