Forex is not Gambling business.


Most of beginner and loser claim forex is gambling business because they lose money and confidence here but that wrong forex is not gambling business, in forex daily turnover in trillion that’s real and true capital in this business. I am also doing forex trading daily and earn money daily


That’s true situation, when they lose money that condition they claim currency and market. Forex is true business I am also doing forex trading and earn money as well that’s true platform lots of trader make money here. Forex is not gambling business that’s true best online business.


It happened because they are trading without the skills and understanding of forex and just rely on luck only. Forex is not gambling business, we need skill to analyze market to decide when the right moment to make order, and we have to learn and learn.


Exactly, there's profit an loss in every business and Forex is also one such business platforms.


Forex is a serois business. It is not a game to treat as gambling. In forex we can manage our risks . We can save our capital. It is not possible in gambiling. Gambling is more risky than forex. As much we remain carefule with trading we will manage risk well


Forex is not a gambling, those who consider forex is gambling is that people do not really understand with forex. Need skills and tenacity to be able to become a successful trader in forex and also requires a process.


According to my experience, if a trader consider Forex trading as gambling, he/she will eventually flush the depo. The reasons are simple: no trading strategy, no discipline, only impulsive buy/sell.


That's right, they just rely on luck when trading, just click "buy" and "sell", without analyze. Indeed, we can get a big profit, but we can also lose a lot of money in an instant.

uncle gober:
Forex trading is a business that is very challenging, due to the high risk of market movements are difficult to predict accurately and there is no strategy that can 100% assure profit without loss. But behind the challenge, the results of forex trading is very promising, it is easy to start and very flexible. It's different from gambling, in gambling we don't need enough knowledge and experience, just rely in luck.

Right, forex trading is a challenging but promising business. We can get maximum results if we want to try, and to be able to properly understand the market movements, we need time, that's why I agree with the saying, "invest our time first before invest our money."


High profits are not just because of gambling we can make good money from forex when do it in managed way . Actually we need expertise in analysis making then market will favor us when we open positions it will give us maximum results in profits. we will minimize loss with our experience.


Gambling and Forex business are totally differed business.In gambling the trader almost depends up on his fortune.They do not know what they are doing...They just play with money in Gambling, but in Forex they invest money with proper planing and management. No doubt, Fortune factor does appear here also.