Coding Documentation and Trading Help Needed


I'm brand new to forex, and I really want to learn all I can before starting out. I come from a programming background, so I am really interested in coding my own EAs and indicators, however I haven't seen any documentation on the language these things are built with. Is it somewhere on this forum? I could have easily missed it with all the information floating around.

Also, is there an overall picture of how everything comes together? I really need a flowchart-like diagram to help me understand how people are using MT4, indicators, EAs, charts etc. It's really hard for me to read various posts on here(which are very detailed and great!), without struggling to piece them together and understand how the whole operation works.

Although some have told me not to set goals at this stage in the game, I believe I need to set some expectations, otherwise I won't know if I am making any progress. My goal isn't to 'get rich quick', in fact most of my week goes to my full time job. I am looking to build up to $100-200 per day with minimal time spent on trading. This is the main reason why I am interested in coding my own indicators and EAs. Of course, more money would be better, but I'm not going to lie to myself thinking it's going to be like that from day 1.

To sum it all up I am going to put my main questions/points below, I appreciate any answers I can get, and thanks in advance.

I am looking for some documentation on how to code EAs, indicators, etc. I would be building myself an automated trader, so I don't have to sit there watching it all day.

A simplified guide on how to use MT4 for a complete beginner.

Where do I set up a live account?

Is there paperwork involved(for tax purposes)? location: U.S.

Is my goal too high for a beginner to even think about?

If I have more questions, I'll come back here, and hope someone answers! Thanks again, I'll be reading as much as I can in the meantime.


No one has got any advice for me? Been a while since I last posted, I'd really love to hear some feedback.


A simplified guide on how to use MT4 for a complete beginner. MT4 step by step guide

Where do I set up a live account?

Is there paperwork involved(for tax purposes)? location: U.S. Yes

Is my goal too high for a beginner to even think about? No