

As i´m a newbie i want to know which EA is good and bulletproof to start with...........

Regards Edwin


I want to suggest for using EA provided by only top brokers.


Well, from what I understand, each EA is different and has unique qualities, and really that means there is no single "#1 best EA for beginners", but more so just some trial and error... I don't know which EA's could work, but there are threads int his section about them.. I guess just having a go at them and seeing which one works for you could be in order.


I would suggest learn to trade a little yourself before you even consider trying someone esles EA.

EAs 99% of the time are crap. This is because they are built on non practical trading ideologies like, continuously adding to losing traders or keeping endless number of trades open.

But until you trade you will never understand what makes a good EA a good EA and will not be able to choose between them.