advanced trades


Have you seen this?

Forex Trading|Forex Training|Online Currency Forex Trading|Forex Seminar|Forex Course|by Forex Trading Seminar

i received an email this weekend and I want to share this with everyone. This guy has been showing people trades in advance for free and my friend who trades said that they are working out every time so far. Not sure how he does it.


Is it completely free?? Sounds like he has a good technique


I want to get a PlayStation 2 and Kingdom Hearts, but I don't have enough money. So, I decided to sell my Gameboy advanced (in good condition) but I heard that GameStop, my first choice, has bad deals. Does anyone know of a place (a real store, not on the internet) to sell it or trade it in?


The foreign exchange market - also called "Forex" or "FX" - trading has become quite a popular moneymaking endeavor in recent years. The large numbers of success stories that can be found on the Internet attesting to the vast earning potential of this business has inspired countless people to get in on the action. To be sure, this is a field that has enjoyed some hardcore support for quite some time now. But in recent years, the number of people who have entered into this particular field has grown exponentially. The fact of the matter is that forex trading is big business and the overwhelming tide of new converts everyday points to a clear indication that this trend will not likely end soon.


frezlar26, why not advertise that directly???