Price and time fib/gann calculator


This tool is used by entering data into the inputs and calculator will plot fibo lines or gann points.Originally used trading stocks and commodities but can be used for forex applications also.PDf included for more detailed usage instructions.

Price__Time.rar  3417 kb
This tool is used by entering data into the inputs and calculator will plot fibo lines or gann points.Originally used trading stocks and commodities but can be used for forex applications also.PDf included for more detailed usage instructions.

I will give them a try and see how they work out.



check the attachments

FTJ1.pdf  560 kb


Thanks for the attached Time and Price and the PDF will go through it and check. Good for knowledge

This tool is used by entering data into the inputs and calculator will plot fibo lines or gann points.Originally used trading stocks and commodities but can be used for forex applications also.PDf included for more detailed usage instructions.

Just want you to know that you rock!!


thank u so much i ll check it


tried many times but didnt worked well., and didnt impressed me a lot its functions........


entering data into the inputs and calculator will plot

entering data into the inputs and calculator will plot

Thats the idea

This tool is used by entering data into the inputs and calculator will plot fibo lines or gann points.Originally used trading stocks and commodities but can be used for forex applications also.PDf included for more detailed usage instructions.

What is the benefit of this tool from the perspective of a trader?