A-B-C-D Trade - page 201


Attached is 30-min EUR/USD with SQ9(price) and Andrew's Pitchfork plot:

Handle = Aug 16th 16:00 high 1.44708

Upper corner = Aug 17th 13:30 high 1.45162

Lower corner = Aug 17th 07:00 low 1.43233

Horizontal fib plot:

High = Aug 17th 13:30 high 1.45162

Low = Aug 17th 15:30 low 1.44204

138.2 = 1.43838 (just hit during 04:00 candle)

Expect hit and bounce at median line (middle fork line).


Caution as sudden spike against the CHF during 05:30 period. 1st suspect is SNB intervention, against backdrop of possible currency peg drama.

Obviously affects cross-pairs too.


The Bears are rattling their teeth and growling "We told you so".

DAX down 6%, DOW down 4% dipping below 11,000.

Gold up to $1826

USD strength

Negative U.S. Jobless Claims 12:30

Negative U.S. Home Sales 14:00

overriding higher than projected U.S. CPI at 12:30.


Attached is continuance of EUR/USD APF chart. After a 37-pip bounce up off the Median Line during 10:00 hour. pair just made a 161.8 extension (plot not shown) to Lower_ML2.

Gray color 50% fib. The red horizontal line intersecting this area is the Sunday High.


And here is AUD/USD 1-hour, showing a return to the Sunday Low 1.03502.


Nightmare on Wall Street VI

Attached is the CFD US30 4-hour, which tends to mimic the Dow Jones 30 Futures.

High = Aug 5th 11,578 Low = Aug 9th 10,444

1st Peak = Aug 15th 11,480

2nd Peak = Aug 17th 11,529

Fibo fan: Low = Aug 9th 10,444 High = Aug 17th 11,529

Price just arrived at the fan's 61.8% ray and horizontal 61.8. Chart's horizontal plot is upside down, thus inverted 38.2 = 61.8.

We did that to show the pullback was to the 88.6% retrace level.

Lot's of fodder for dinner conversation. This types of market movement is good for intra-day and swing traders, but we don't gloat too much as the stock investors are getting slammed.


US regulators stepping up their scrutiny of European banks......according to bloomberg t.v.

Attached is the CFD GER30 daily chart, which tends to mimic the DAX.

Low = Mar 16th 6,413 High = May 2nd 7,603

161.8 extension to downside = 5,678 hit Aug 8th on first trading day after the S&P downgrade of the U.S. long-term debt.

Has been trading between 161.8 and 127.2 fibs, but testing below support now. The 200% fib = 5,223

Other labels are Mar 16th low, just after the earthquake in Japan. June 30th end of QE2, since everything is connected now and that event closes the tap to a certain extent.


Bloomberg interview: Oliver Chang - Morgan Stanely

Plan for investors to fix up foreclosed homes in the U.S. for rentals. Will create jobs.

They’re on the right track but the pace have not and will not be quick

Our Jack Out Of The Box plan:

Volunteer program whereby banks and other institutional owners of foreclosed inventory shall be allowed to place assets in a tightly run lottery.

There is an estimated 5-8 million foreclosed homes, including shadow inventory.

Another 11 million of the 55 million homes with mortgages are in danger of default.

5 million foreclosed homes can removed from the banks’ balance sheet in one year. They will receive full invested amount

This will provide a jolt up in jobs and peripheral benefits to the economy.

Provocative twist includes restricting lottery to households with a maximum annual income of $80,000. This group represents 75% of all households.

Minimum holding period may be enforced. Bank appraisal/underwriting guidelines to ignore transfer value of these properties.

N.A.R. will object after mistakenly concluding that short-term pain in loss of commission (from homes transferred by lottery vs normal sales), is not worth the acceleration of process.

The N.A.R.'s Housing Affordability Index does not paint an unbiased picture. Why should the U.S. be happy that it takes about 50% of a household's net income to service the cost of ownership?


Here is the view with PSQ9 and MML.

Horizontal fib plot (yellow):

Low = 1.04322 High = 1.04960 (both Aug 17th pivots)

The fib plot's high is near the MML 4/8th (blue), and the Low is near MML 3/8th (green).

There are 3 Mars lines, which are near flat in trajectory.

The degrees are 0, 90, and 180.

We can see the breakout to the upside hit the 261.8% extension and overshoot the Mars 180-degree. This was a BAJA bearish divergence on top as we mentioned.

Price declined and bounced at/respected each level of support en route down. This includes the



MML 4/8th, same area as High and blue 50% from wider plot

Mars 90-degree (same as 38.2)

100%, same as Low of course

Lower 127.2

Mars 0-degree, same as blue 38.2 from wide plot. Moon 90-degree also here.

Lower 200% and 161.8

End of 15:00 hour signifies end of de facto European session.


The US Philadelphia Fed Manufacturing Survey figure came out overwhelmingly below projections at -30.7 points in August, after growing 3.2 points in July.

However, overnight trading indicated that things were going to be bad. Attached is the CFD SPX500 which can mimic the S&P 500 Futures.

Using simple plots for horizontal and fibo fan:

Low = Aug 9th 1080.1 High = Aug 17th 1208.1

Arrow and label points to the 07:00 European open (price 1180). This candle period closed below support of 1180 and the 23.6 fib.

Price only stalled minimally at the 38.2 fan ray 09:00-10:00.

The U.S. session opened at 13:30 with price about 1161.

What we're saying is that the U.S. session joined the selling at about halfway point.

The Philadelphia Fed data wasn't released until 14:00, which is the candle that opened below the 50% fib. This data is being cited as a main reason for today's fear selling.

This chart shows that traders in Europe started fleeing to safety, well before the Phil Fed data.

This is not to say that the metric is not important, as it is said to be a leading indicator for lower Non-Farm Payrolls. Some investment banks now saying America is teetering on the brink of recession.

Some feel the U.S. had never really emerged from the last recession, with the FED just artificially and temporarily dressing things up (inflate). But, remember FED Chief Mr. Bernanke is an expert at addressing problem models from the 1930s. "He wrote the book".


Steven Short (great name) interview on bloomberg t.v. with Mark Crumpton.

Speaks of gold/oil ratio. 15 is normal multiplier. We've had a spreadsheet on this for some time and have understood the 15 number.

Today gold is about 1820 and oil is about 82. That is a ratio of 22. They will eventually merge, but likely one will snap back to the other.

Here is link to google spreadsheet we posted. You can enter new prices of one or both to arrive back at multiplier:
