can anyone convert a script to indicator?



below is a script, and can anyone help convert this to indicator? thanks

// Output OHLCV history for surrent pair/symbol

int start() {

string fname = Symbol() + "," + Period() + ".csv";

int handle = FileOpen(fname, FILE_CSV|FILE_WRITE, ",");

if (handle>0) {

for(int i=0; i<Bars; i++) {

datetime d = Time;
d = StrToTime((TimeYear(d) - 100) + StringSubstr(TimeToStr(d),4)); // subtracts 10 years from d
string date1 = TimeToStr(d,TIME_DATE);
date1 = StringSubstr(date1,5,2) + "-" + StringSubstr(date1,8,2) + "-" + StringSubstr(date1,0,4);
string time1 = TimeToStr(d,TIME_MINUTES);
FileWrite(handle, date1, time1, Open, High, Low, Close, Volume);
MessageBox("History output complete\nto file ...../experts/files/"+fname);