


This is just to say hello to every member of this Community. My name is Isaac Ezie

I am new to forex trading; a proper green horn for that mattter. I am glad to have discovered this site today and I think it will go a long way making me find my way to trade forex.

I will appreciate any form of assistance by way of mentorship from the veterans in the field.


Hi ziki,

How's your starting journey/experience been like so far? Started a demo account? Been trading some strategy yet?


Hi,This is just to say hello to every member of this Community. My name is Isaac EzieI am new to forex trading; a proper green horn for that mattter. I am glad to have discovered this site today and I think it will go a long way making me find my way to trade forex.I will appreciate any form of assistance by way of mentorship from the veterans in the field.

For sure by now you are currently experienced and not just a newbie.. anything you could share how was your trading been? and how do you mange your risk and your loss? just wondering..
