Trading game


A little while back asked if there was anywhere I could learn the basics of trading.

Have come across a cool online trading game called traderwars which you can play for fun. It's player to player and quite challenging.

I found the glossary of terms quite useful too.


I never considered the markets as a game. I dont think you could really learn while playing with the market. Practice and playing are two different things. What all of us needs is lots of practice.


A little while back asked if there was anywhere I could learn the basics of trading. Have come across a cool online trading game called traderwars which you can play for fun. It's player to player and quite challenging. I found the glossary of terms quite useful too.
A little while back asked if there was anywhere I could learn the basics of trading. Have come across a cool online trading game called traderwars which you can play for fun. It's player to player and quite challenging. I found the glossary of terms quite useful too.

If you want to practice trading, try oanda's FXgame. Games are just for fun, you should try to take it seriously or you will totally suffer when you are trading live.