mtapi.dll v3 with delphi


Anyone have sourcecode for mtapi.dll v3 using delphi ? please help.


I already developed mtapi with delphi, but this program

still far from fully functioning. I need help, thank you !

you can get the delphi source code + exe in here


If you can use delphi .net, you're set to go with my mt3 api for .net.

If you can use delphi .net, you're set to go with my mt3 api for .net.

i don't know about .net, is it hard to learn ?

right now i'm trying using only mtapi.dll, i want to create stand

alone exe so people who are using win85/98/ME can use my creation.


Don't know how hard it is, but i think it should be easy, since you'd actually learn Delphi .NET in same old Delphi syntax.

Since delphi can call C dll without problems, you don't have to wrap it up like I did for .net. The only thing is learn to use the api. The api doc was at months ago, but now it's seem gone. Try searching for it though at both alpari and

These api discussions might help you:


yup doc in alpari is gone and metaquotes didn't support anymore

mt3api.dll, but thanks anyway.

right now i'm still trying to develop full version with delphi,


Guys, I'm feel lucky to see your posts about this in here. I'm developing BIG interest on this and would like to hv your guidance.

thank you