RSI - MQL II Indicator Statement Problem


I am trying to modify an existing MQL program to include a buy and

sell conditon based upon the RSI levels > 25 and < 75. When I try to

set it up under the Calculate indicators' value in the program the rsi

indicator setup asks for 2 time periods: rsi1_0 =


The RSI(5) is what I want, but the second time period (10) I do not

understand why I need it? My logic statement was to be: If rsi1_1<25

and rsi1_0>25 buy.

How do I get the program to do what I want it to do?

I am a newbee to MQL. Could somebody assist me please!





Dave, try iRSI(5,0) instead of iRSIEx(5,10,0,PRICE_CLOSE,0).

My logic statement was to be: If rsi1_125 buy.

In ZeroCode, _1 suffix means previous bar close price and _0 means current price. Maybe you should use rsi1_0 < 25 if you prefer current RSI value.


Thank You Scorpion. You are such a blessing!
