Very smooth MA without lag - page 3


Thanks man. Much appreciated.

This is kewl!

Thanks man. Much appreciated. This is kewl!

no no, thank you! I'm sure you won't find this half as useful as the .NET wrapper you so kindly made publicly available!

What's mine is yours!


Scorpion , if you have free time, could you code it in mql ( if possible ) so we , code dummies , could take a peek =) ?


Ravique, the JMA in mql and mq4 have been coded already, and you the one who attached 'em here in the first page of this thread. Maybe you talk something else?


Oh, are you talkin about CCI version of JMA, ravique?


Yes, i am talking about the JMA_CCI .

Thank you for reminding about my posts though . =)))


Ravique, just wrote the CCI and MACD version of JMA in Cheers!