Very smooth MA without lag

Complete with pictures and examples.

It's not a system or strategy but it maybe it improves some system performance.


If you want smoothed MA`s , i think that one of the best examples is Jurik`s MA. You can get it in Yahoo Metatrader group for mql II , by the name My Jma


JMA is not avaible for Metatrader, it is coded and does not work with the API.

If you have other informations, please advice.

I am searching for JMA on Metatrader a long time.....


Sorry, my fault. I thought my JMA`s were from the Yahoo group, but it seems that they are not. Anyway , i `m attaching them. One is for mq4 other for MQII

MyJMA.mql  7 kb
JMA.mq4  11 kb

Thank you, but should be a clone ? I think JMA is coded....

Can you explain how the settings work ?

But will test it.............


Ravique, the ma is kewl! Thanks


Thanks Ravique,

Have tested the JMA and wooooowww,

its the best MA ive ever seen. This will really boost up all MA based



Dont thank me, Thank Jurik , who developed it ( i agree with you, it is a great thing ) , and thank the Metatrader Group Guys who coded them. My effort compared to theirs is minimal.


Can anyone help me with a bit of code conversion? I've downloaded

the JMA for MT4 and am trying to code it up in .NET. While syntax is fine, I'm unsure what certain reserved MQL keywords are doing, mainly the initialising of the temporary buffers to index arrays. There are a few others like the counted_buckets. Or perhaps if anyone has the mathematical formula for this MA.

Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,



sccz97, u have formula of jma? I cannot make any understanding from the mql and mq4.


Deja Vu

Do you also have the other Jurik indicators?

For those who don't know Jurik take a look at their site.