What is better for EAs: A reliable SIGNAL or a robust trading strategy


Hi folks,

I was wondering what you think it is more important on an EA:

- A reliable SIGNAL for buying/selling


-A robust trading strategy once a signal has been triggered

Obviously both! but if one had to chose, where would you suggest to focus the effort on

Vasileios Zografos:

Hi folks,

I was wondering what you think it is more important on an EA:

- A reliable SIGNAL for buying/selling


-A robust trading strategy once a signal has been triggered

Obviously both! but if one had to chose, where would you suggest to focus the effort on

It all depends on personal views and might definitely differ from person to person, each probably with a strong support for their choice

I would go for a robust trading strategy, reasons are simple and are a personal choice, unless you want to the "why" for the robust trading strategy 


The point of the signal is probably to let it run without intervention if the signal is really reliable and profitable.

If it does not actually match your trading plan and style and you find the need to intervene then you need a system tailored for that.

I have used mixed systems with EAs or signals with either manual exit or manual entry and EAs for exit and they work just as well as any other strategy if you develop it that way.

If you are making changes to the signal out of frustration or without a consistent plan, then maybe you have the wrong signal for you.

If I have to choose I'll opt for a robust trading strategy.