How to create a scroll box with Boolean, Any Idea?


Boolean scroll box

Halo guys, I am newly learning coding and currently, I am making an EA where I wanted to use this scroll box with boolean idea for different EA strategy.

I'm trying to do this in this way but it giving me some warning in compiler and its not appearing with a scroll box.Can anyone please provide me the proper codding idea for making this.

extern bool a,b,c;

Dropdown lists for Inputs are done using enumerations:

enum enum_types { TYPE1, TYPE2, TYPE3, TYPE4, TYPE5 };

input enum_types Strategy = TYPE1;

The values of enumerations are integers, so you can use a switch or if-else statement to test the value.

sakibco:but it giving me some warning in compiler and its not appearing with a scroll box.Can anyone please provide me the proper codding idea for making this.
extern bool a,b,c;
Why are you trying to run it if you can't get it to compile?
#property strict
extern bool a=true;
extern bool b=false;
extern bool c=true;

Dropdown lists for Inputs are done using enumerations:

The values of enumerations are integers, so you can use a switch or if-else statement to test the value.

Why are you trying to run it if you can't get it to compile?

Thanks a lot for all the help.Now the Dropdown lists are working fine.