I m looking for this software?



 I m looking for this software


so if some mone have that software like this version or other version plz send me it






 I m looking for this software


so if some mone have that software like this version or other version plz send me it




Check here : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/172930
thank u mr mladen :)

what probleme about that?

 i cant open csv file



what probleme about that?

 i cant open csv file


I don't know what did you use

I simply exported data into a csv from metatrader and all is OK - here is low pas filter method 2 example (attached bellow0


The problem in data of chart


but even i downloaded data  prblm is stay (ex : bar : 1987:01:01 00:00....)


so how i can selection numbers of bars i want to analyze, before i open file csv to programme becuase with this probleme i can't ever open file csv

(my be there some way in metatrader to selection numbers of bars i want to save as csv file... or in exel...)


thank u 








Check your date setting in windows system properties - that is all I can think of







PS: you should use version 0.54 (from this post : https://www.mql5.com/en/forum/172930/page2 )
version 0.54 works for me
What is this software? What does it actually do?? Can you tell me more about it.?