Forum migration - read now! - page 4


Almost,  cant take it anymore.

My profile (correct link should be) :

But now it is :

 result :



Page not found

Check the URL and try again

Yes, that is the same for all the users now

One of the (many) issues that they will have to resolve

Do we have more info about what's going on with migration?
They screwed it up.... unbelievable.  Total mess!

This forum  is completly useless now, the search and indexing all redirect you for comercial or you get "your search didn't match any document" if you tick the forum box, what the point of a form then ? This is something it really makes me sad, it was a great website with great users. Hope it gets close to what it use to be



This forum  is completly useless now, the search and indexing all redirect you for comercial or you get "your search didn't match any document" if you tick the forum box, what the point of a form then ? This is something it really makes me sad, it was a great website with great users. Hope it gets close to what it use to be


Even though I am not satisfied with a lot of things that are happening right now with the new web, search is not one of them.

If you chose "forum" group from the search results, you are going to get very useful information. BUT :) ...The eternal but ... Right now clicking on a search result leads you to a thread instead to a post. Issue has been reported and as soon as they resolve it we shall have useful search again (finally after quite some time). With an option to have search result sorted by date, it becomes even more useful


This forum  is completly useless now, the search and indexing all redirect you for comercial or you get "your search didn't match any document" if you tick the forum box, what the point of a form then ? This is something it really makes me sad, it was a great website with great users. Hope it gets close to what it use to be


Unfortunately I cannot agree more with you. A good few years back I used to be very frequent here and learnt a lot of things. Then they started one of these migrations and after that I got lost. I could no longer find things I was reading and that was really frustrating when you have to waste time on just searching for things. I'd like to be constructive so what I now noticed is that when you do a search for, for example, "lesson" the first two entries point to this thread: "Simple trading system help me make it better all master and gurus". As far as I can remember I would expect lessons from CodersGuru to show up because the word "lesson" was in the title of his threads. Now the fourth entry in the list is as close as you can get: "Mql4 tutorial - Where is Lesson 1, etc.?". The second problem is that most links inside posts are no longer valid i.e. they would take you to: "your search didn't match any document". I understand this is work in progress but it might well be the right time to point this out as this problem was present well before they started this migration. On the other hand the pages open much faster and that's a big plus. I do hope as well the website is going to shine again. 
Does anybody know why I am getting this when I want to post a zip file or when I want to reply to a post?

It seems that you can post a reply

As far as zip files are concerned, I have no issues


Does anybody know why I am getting this when I want to post a zip file or when I want to reply to a post? Or when I want to post to

Elite indicators :)



It seems that you can post a reply

As far as zip files are concerned, I have no issues

Thank you, Mladen.

I am just trying what can I do and what cannot. Now it seems I cannot post to Elite indicators :) thread at all.


Well, it works here. I do not understand.

I wanted to reply to vrvvaha since his template contained erroneous file names and did not work, please see here: post  #14658 in Elite indicators :) thread. I fixed it and zipped the indicators with new names and the template, then and wanted to post it to that thread, but could not do so because of the 403 error.

Anyway, I am trying to attach that zip file here...

Files:  98 kb