Quickest way to becoming a millionaire with Forex


I was researching this topic and came across a lot of theories from experts. Well, some are good. However, I would like to share this realistic way to become a millionaire while trading forex. The calculation on this Forex Blog is very correct. Just this number of pip per day could get you there.

What is not mentioned on the post is how much loss the trader could incur during these months of trade. One could get the number of pips today and lose it tomorrow.

Now, has anyone ever set a pip target and achieved it on a daily or regular basis? Is this possible in this unpredictable market?


yah it is truth that 90 % trades loss money after 1st gain ... and it is really so tough to earn constinetly profit in this risky market .. only if u have some holy grail trading strategies


He was just spamming. Forget about him