Feeling the negativity....


Hey guys and gals. I'm browsing threads and sadly a lot of people are being very negative. If I heard some of things said when i first started, i would say hell and be like I'm not doing this anymore. Just remember, newbies are learning usually and they need positive reinforcement. Even if they're wrong be nice about it, and offer a solution that isn't going to scare them away. Sometimes they need to learn for their own and sometimes they might do something different to you, but it might work for them in the long run

Remember no 2 traders are exactly alike. Give insight not insult. If you completely disagree with someone rather than saying negative things, just don't say anything at all. I only say this because it was hell when i was learning and when i got negative feedback it only sent me farther back. Saying that my system doesn't work so i try different ones when mine worked all along come to find out, or a indicator i use is said to be no good so i try different ones, finding out mine where fine

Just saying be open minded, how where you when you FIRST started trading. Not pointing fingers are saying anyone here is wrong or stupid or anything. Just for the sake of newbies asking some members to just "reword" how you say somethings, ya know?



Hey guys and gals. I'm browsing threads and sadly a lot of people are being very negative. If I heard some of things said when i first started, i would say hell and be like I'm not doing this anymore. Just remember, newbies are learning usually and they need positive reinforcement. Even if they're wrong be nice about it, and offer a solution that isn't going to scare them away. Sometimes they need to learn for their own and sometimes they might do something different to you, but it might work for them in the long run

Remember no 2 traders are exactly alike. Give insight not insult. If you completely disagree with someone rather than saying negative things, just don't say anything at all. I only say this because it was hell when i was learning and when i got negative feedback it only sent me farther back. Saying that my system doesn't work so i try different ones when mine worked all along come to find out, or a indicator i use is said to be no good so i try different ones, finding out mine where fine

Just saying be open minded, how where you when you FIRST started trading. Not pointing fingers are saying anyone here is wrong or stupid or anything. Just for the sake of newbies asking some members to just "reword" how you say somethings, ya know?

f*** your negativity! lol


hahaha, who's negative now!


Feeling the negativity on internet is rather troublesome - net is impersonal, taking it personal is a sign of a trouble

If you feel the negativity on internet you always have a choice - continue reading or not. It is not like real life you know


Some people will always think of internet as something personal. That is human nature


Saying negative things and insult to newbies? What? Who and to whom? This isn't Youtube or Facebook here. There may be individuals which are learn-resistant and/or fooling around, but these people posts their hate-comments everywhere. There is even a saying for haters in forums and in 'real life': He writes comments on Youtube.