Alternate Risk Management


It may surprise many to know that a trading system or methodology that is accurate (profitable) +80% (for example) of the time can still lose money


Or it can be like this, if you manage your risk properly :

All depends on how you trade

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That is not 80%

That is not 80%

No, it is not But will use this post to answer to all those asking me for the EA. I do not trade EA. And God forbid that I use "dashboard trading" (that is a bs system - tested it - see the results of regular users, not those users that are trying to become commercial). I am using some things that were explained at this forum (explained in the "something interesting" thread, and I am trading manually. As you can can see manual trading can do pretty good

So, please, no more PMs. All you need is posted and available at this same forum. The rest is up to trader. Results after today trading. I think I will soon close the account (not decided yet)

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Basket trading has its merits, but that is at least 10th attempt of basket trading I have seen and they always fail to explain one simple thing : without the knowledge of hedging they can not trade it. And from all the traders I have seen only a couple of traders know how to hedge. In the end, because of that, all those attempts ended in the same way : with massive loses (as soon as the intuitive hedging thread was broken)


Whoever wants to know more about hedging, here are some basics :

Whoever wants to know more about hedging, here are some basics :

They are changing rules (and accounts) as they go. I do not believe that they are trying to to do basket trading (at least what I read there does not show that) but are coin a coin toss trading with different accounts and when 1 out of 10 is OK, they attribute it to a system (that does no exists at all - at least I do not see any sense in what is told there)


I might agree or disagree with opinions told here

But, wouldn't it be better to tell that at the origin of those systems? That maybe could help them (the people that are looking for "solutions" for their trading problems there) avoid some traps that we all were facing at some stage of our trading lives

I might agree or disagree with opinions told here But, wouldn't it be better to tell that at the origin of those systems? That maybe could help them (the people that are looking for "solutions" for their trading problems there) avoid some traps that we all were facing at some stage of our trading lives

I have a feeling that it would be useless to tell them

They are in a "we should hide the results" phase - they are left one more phase before that last one

I have a feeling that it would be useless to tell them They are in a "we should hide the results" phase - they are left one more phase before that last one

It always starts the same

And then it ends in a similar way :

But I am curios : why would hiding the results help?

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One dashboard indicator MADdash.ex4

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