The new age of trading? - page 4


Some people are good at intuition trading!


Forex is a big business and we can make real and good money from it. You are reading books and have interest in forex then you can make good profit in Forex because Forex is for right person who have knowldge and skills about it.


"The new age of trading" is probably meaning "completely rigged"

Before there was at least an appearance of free market

"The new age of trading" is probably meaning "completely rigged" Before there was at least an appearance of free market

There is no free market. That was a fairy tale that we have been sold in order to invest and lose our money


Generally, we the traders select our trading strategy in order to our trading capability. In my trading career, from all trading strategy I like most price action that is considered as a most usable and profitable trading strategy in this market place. For using this trading policy in a proper way, I have chosen MxTrade as my trading platform where I am getting accurate candlestick which is very much supportive to make profit by using this trading strategy. By means of this accurate candlestick, I am able to predict the real faction of this market with certainly.


If we are thinking of rigged market controlled by HFTs, then yes, of course that this is a new age of trading

There is no free market. That was a fairy tale that we have been sold in order to invest and lose our money

We have to understand that Forex trading is highly competitive field and only if we are willing to take as well as manage the risks in our trading we should get into it.


A bit biased opinion, imo...

A bit biased opinion, imo...

All traders are like that - otherwise they would not be traders

All traders are like that - otherwise they would not be traders

Yes as a trader we have to think about getting to know new ways to trade and how we will be able to earn income from them.