Do You Get THAT Feeling? - page 130

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The cryptocurrencies and the Bitcoin in particular, being the most prominent among them, are not likely to crowd out fiat currencies or have a significant impact on the existing monetary policies and financial stability. Furthermore, the design of the cryptocurrencies and the behavior of the cryptocurrency community, deprives them from its intended use as a medium of exchange.

Those are some of the conclusions of a scientific research paper prepared of the SWIFT Institute, called “Virtual currencies: Media of exchange or speculative assets?”, based on a research done by Dirk G. Baur, UWA Business School, KiHoon Hong, Hongik University College of Business in South Korea and Adrian D. Lee, University of Technology Sydney (Australia).


The War Economy: CNN's Wolf Blitzer Warns About Job Loss If US Stops Arming Saudi Arabia

Ladies and gentlemen, it appears the long anticipated moment of peak mainstream media stupidity may have finally arrived. This is what passes for journalism in America today.'s obama again...
midnight read...

This Is What The Democrats Did Immediately After Realizing They Were Hacked

Having been 'compromised' - by sophisticated Russian hackers (likely working in cahoots with Trump) according to the mainstream media's spoonfed narrative - the Democratic National Committee decdided the smart thing would be to send the new password for their system, via email, to all regional press... Brilliant!

a glance @ other side of life...

The US War On Terror Has Cost $5 Trillion And Increased Terrorism By 6,500%