What do you say, if someone asks you what you do?


Hi Folks,

Before when I was new to forex and also new to full-time trading. When anyone used to ask me what I do, I used to tell them that I am a "forex trader", but the problem is that a majority of people don't know what it is and would then ask me a question "what is that?" , then I'd have to explain to them, then they would also be interested and I would have to write them links to start-up like babypips or forexfactory. Initially it was okay for me, but later it would get irritating to do this again and again.

So I decided to use the word "stock trader", that way many people wouldn't ask me more. But then a new problem, some people would get overly impressed or I'd be getting unwanted attention of people. Some people would even ask me for advice on which stock to pick or which shares to be investing and also questions like "wheres the sensex headed or wheres the nifty now". I'd get busted there and then have to explain that im not a stock trader or into Indian markets, i'm actually a forex trader and the more explaining and irritation.

Finally, Now i just use the word "Computer Programmer", and no one has any question for me hehe. But now some people start to think maybe I'm a nerd or a geek and avoid me, but I'm happy with that. At-least no explanation needed after two words.

Please post here and let me know what you say or use if someone asks you what you do?

Would be fun to find out...


I just tell them I am "self employed" and the usual response is "OK" and that's about it. Very few actually follow up by asking what I do to be self employed.


you are right friend


haha that is exactly what i say too.. I say im a web and computer project manager... I used to do it for real-- so if they press i can answer their questions.. But makes it much easier cause most just say-- "ohhh nice ill bet you like working from home" Then its all done..


I am always proud to say "I am an investor" or at the least, " I am a businessman".


Car mechanic.

Car mechanic.

That is where the money is


Usually fumble and say something to do with computers, which thankfully rarely ends up with a following question, haha!


A dentist. That way they do not want to talk to me any more

Hi Folks,

Before when I was new to forex and also new to full-time trading. When anyone used to ask me what I do, I used to tell them that I am a "forex trader", but the problem is that a majority of people don't know what it is and would then ask me a question "what is that?" , then I'd have to explain to them, then they would also be interested and I would have to write them links to start-up like babypips or forexfactory. Initially it was okay for me, but later it would get irritating to do this again and again.

So I decided to use the word "stock trader", that way many people wouldn't ask me more. But then a new problem, some people would get overly impressed or I'd be getting unwanted attention of people. Some people would even ask me for advice on which stock to pick or which shares to be investing and also questions like "wheres the sensex headed or wheres the nifty now". I'd get busted there and then have to explain that im not a stock trader or into Indian markets, i'm actually a forex trader and the more explaining and irritation.

Finally, Now i just use the word "Computer Programmer", and no one has any question for me hehe. But now some people start to think maybe I'm a nerd or a geek and avoid me, but I'm happy with that. At-least no explanation needed after two words.

Please post here and let me know what you say or use if someone asks you what you do?

Would be fun to find out...


Nice and very true scenario for us, who trades forex!

I usually use the answer "Market Analyst", when anyone ask me this question.

Thanks for sharing your history!


This thread made me laugh and is very true.