Is Manual Trading Better Than Automated Trading? - page 3


Manual trading is indeed a great way of trading, you cannot depend on robot trading for long, after some good performance a robot fails and bring you huge losses in your trading account.


If somebody does not know how to trade manually, how can he tell if an EA is worth something or not?


Manual trading is better then automated trading because you trade by yourself and it gives you opportunity to gain lot of experience in Forex trading. So i always prefer manual trading.


Manual trading is superior in my opinion but there are many aspects of any trading method that become repetitive and programmable after time, so it is actually Semi-Automated trading that gets my vote, manual trading comes first though because you need to know what you are doing in order to know which parts to automate and what works long term.

I actually have 2 different tools for 2 different stages of automation,

1 more hands on - Videos here explain that better than written word

1 more automated - Videos here explain that better than written word

Then of course I do have a fully automated version for the 3rd stage but I have not yet been able to get that more profitable than manual trading... and ultimately after all these years I actually enjoy trading anyway so... small trading account for the fully automated EA... main trading account for semi-automated EA's where I still get to make the important decisions but the repetitive parts are auto pilot.


If you don't have too much money, manual is better

If you are rich, buy a HFT company and don't worry of trends - make trends


I think manual trading is better because when trade yourself that is when you can gain real trading experience. Manual trading shape your trading skills and ideas and it is good for beginners. Automated trading needs trading experience.


I don't think so, automate trading is new form and new system created from manual trading. SO, using automate trading will be more efficient and make all your order process need just some second. I most like using EA than manual trading, and so far my trade using EA in Liteforex, mayzus, and some other broker really good and give big profit for me.


im trading manually as I do feel i cant rely on achromatic system and im not that rich so far to be able to handle huge losses that can be caused by automate trading

im trading manually as I do feel i cant rely on achromatic system and im not that rich so far to be able to handle huge losses that can be caused by automate trading

Huge losses can be cause by manual trading too ...

Huge losses can be cause by manual trading too ...


Come one - it can not be too big when it is manual Why do people think that manual is safer than automated : the risk is the same