Trading is a Profession


So many lousy marketing campaigns have created the popular believe that forex trading is right for everyone and you can succeed without too much hassle. As long as you have internet access and a computer you are good to go and enjoy the benefits if trading financial markets. There are too many bucket-shop brokers who seek to attract countless new traders in order to get their deposits and wipe them off the financial map.

On the other hand there are too many mindsets who think get-rich-quick is what trading stands for. No knowledge required, trade five minutes per day and achieve financial freedom and who knows how many other pathetic sales pitches. The masses bite and think they have what it takes to succeed.

Trading can be compared to professional sports. I will take basketball as an example. There are plenty of courts around the world and everyone can grab a basketball and start playing. They can play all day for hours and true their skills will improve over time. Just because you have access to a basketball court and are able to play does not mean you will become a professional basketball player.

The same applies to trading; just because you are able to open and fund an account does not mean that you will make it as a trader. The failure rate is over 98% and that is for a good reason. As with every profession, there is only so much room at the top and the majority will never even get to lick the bottom of success in financial markets.


the stats seem to get worse everytime they're mentioned

and within a few yrs it will be 100% failure rate

but with so many winners on the various forums all over the internet - it makes you wonder who's telling porky's

good article by the way