Fear and Greed are the main reason of losses - page 3

Fear and greed are two main emotions that effects trading a lot . Traders are usually unaware that they are present with them .they either loose their amount in making high profits with high risk taking or loose amount due to loss because they again and again close trades at low loss

I think we are all aware of these emotions but unable to control them.That,I think the EAs has certain advantage as they are heartless machines.


Fear is not so dangerous (actually I think it helps). Greed does not help

julio zhu:
I think we are all aware of these emotions but unable to control them.That,I think the EAs has certain advantage as they are heartless machines.

But very risky. We need to control those as well.

But very risky. We need to control those as well.

Of course, fear and greed will be harmful for our trading. That is way, we must be able to control it if we want to make maximal profit in forex trading. Forex trading is not a business where we can undergo it with emotion


Fear and greed factors should be control by traders so it is necessary traders should follow the patience factor which will help them reduce the loss and greed factors.


Come to think, all those super rich SOBs would disagree with this. The lack of arrogance makes you lose, Greed has nothing to do with loses


The greedier the better. :):)

The world of capitalism works like that


“Greed is a fat demon with a small mouth and whatever you feed it is never enough.” Greed and Feararethe most destructive forces when you trade Forex.


Fear and greed are just some of the main factor why we loose our trade thus we can overcome these factors.


We are not losing because of the greed (trailing stop loss prevents it quite efficiently). We lose because we go not want to exit losing order (that is not greed, that is hope)