TimeStamp date in EA


Hi All,

Does anybody know of a way whereby you can output the TimeLocal() in a TimeStamp value?

E.g. TimeToStr(TimeLocal(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS) gives me the TimeStamp but I want the milliseconds also.

I know it will be possible by creating a DLL and call the DLL for this info but I was hoping for an .mqh file rather to do this.





If you are trying to make a timer you could use GetTickCount(), but since it retrieves the number of milliseconds that have elapsed since the system was started you can not show it in the form you imagined it

Hi All,

Does anybody know of a way whereby you can output the TimeLocal() in a TimeStamp value?

E.g. TimeToStr(TimeLocal(), TIME_DATE|TIME_SECONDS) gives me the TimeStamp but I want the milliseconds also.

I know it will be possible by creating a DLL and call the DLL for this info but I was hoping for an .mqh file rather to do this.

