How much profit do you expect? - page 3


I prefer monthly 10% is enough, constraint profit should be the top objective of forex trading.

I prefer monthly 10% is enough, constraint profit should be the top objective of forex trading.

It should depend on the account size rather than on the %


I expect maximum profit, but in reality sometimes i get minimum! You have to stick to market conditions.


I stoped expecting big and learned to settle for anything positive, in the long run positive accumulates to generate bigger numbers its the mind set


I see the eyes of the Forex business. Because Forex is a business that can not afford to make a mistake here, any kind. So we have to be experienced to be banyan good about Forex Trader Rosalie if we can change our lives by income from Forex. So many of us have to work and can not work without the benefit of any business I think.

Profit of 5 to 10% percent of my capital is enough for me. My purpose is to generate consistent profits rather than erratic large profits and losses.


Depending from the market :)

In overall between 5% and 15% with small risk per month is  great ( also depending from the account size )

I have not so big depo, so my profit is so little. But I am glad to make some 100-200 bucks per month :)
I have not so big depo, so my profit is so little. But I am glad to make some 100-200 bucks per month :)
I think this is already good achievement, now I am only using small capital also and hope get earning from forex business similar with your result
I do not expect much that’s why when I add some extra profit I’m even happier. With small steps to the top :)