Independent EA Developer Collaboration


Hello. My question is pretty straight forward.

Are there any honest, trustworthy and competent MT4 coders/developers on this forum who are capable of NDA EA development? In other words, is there an MT4 coder in existence who can keep their mouth closed about a private project they happen to be working on? Or, does such a creature simply not exist?

a) I have a concept for trading that generates profits consistently, on a daily basis.

b) I don't have the time and/or experience with MQL do develop it myself.

c) A mutual collaboration would prove beneficial for both of us.

d) This is definitely a proprietary non-disclosed project and respect for that cause is necessary for collaboration.

As it stands, the trade logic for the EA is extremely uncomplicated. However, right now, the EA would have about 16 different external variable inputs on the EA Input Tab. Those inputs are necessary to gain control over the optimization process, until a final EA version can be solidified.

The trading concept is extremely simple. There could be anywhere from between 1 to 30+ trades executed per day. The trade failure rate would be approximately 96%. That means that out of 30 trades, almost (roughly) 28.8 of them will fail, by definition - by necessity. The concept is NOT a "trading system." It is a trading methodology predicated on one single fact about all financial (traded) markets.

There are a couple custom indicators whose output would need to be integrated into the trade logic, but this EA won't be about dozens and dozens of indicators. In fact, no indicator is needed for its baseline operation at all. So, you could consider this a Zero Indicator EA, at its core. The only reason to use a custom indicator, would be to optimize the EAs performance over time.

I spend my time developing trading ideas and trade logic, which is different from MQL code, because I realize that without such trade logic, no amount of code will matter in the final analysis. I can and do, trade this method manually, but why sit in front of a screen when you don't have to. Automating the method, frees one from sitting at a computer for hours at a time, when they could be spending that time on other projects.

Essentially, I look at such an EA as a virtual money machine. Turn it on, make a profit. Turn it off when the market conditions don't warrant trading. Pretty straight forward. The equity curve should always remain positively sloped and its steepness depends entirely on your level of aggressiveness in terms of lot sizing and leverage. The rest should be academic.

If interested and you can meet the requirements above, drop me a line at:

Let's collaborate!




Zero Indicator Non-Directional FX Trading

An oxymoron? Is it possible in FX without having access to FX Options?

I want to start a thread that deals with NDFX trading and the idea that in truth, no indicators are absolutely necessary to trade the currency markets.

What does your Indicator, indicate? Does it tell you where the market will go next. Does it tell you whether to be short or long the market. Does it tell you that 13 seconds from "now," the market will make a move in excess of N number of pips. Does it tell you that today's close price will be higher than today's open price, or yesterday's close price. What does your Indicator, indicate?

I worked hard to build a digital based system that would predict the "next move." The problem? Well, it had a hard time predicting when the next Black Swan even would occur. Or, even less dramatic than the next Black Swan, the News of global economic disruptions in the normative data distribution of the market, that makes mathematical probability predictive signals possible and profitable. When the U.S. economy implodes, my digital based predictive system would have a difficult time "adjusting" to the new mathematical norm. When European finance ministers can't seem to get their act together on an agreement about whether or not Greece, as just one silly example, will remain in the Euro, my digital based system would cough and sputter, before finding its "new" mathematical footing. And, these are not Black Swans!

Given the lack of open wide spread use of Vanilla Options in FX, the use of derivatives based non-directional spread structures, is virtually impossible, absent the handful of platforms out there that afford such opportunities such as SaxoTrader, PFGBest, etc. But, in those cases, you aren't dealing with wide spread options open interest and as such, you are getting options pricing that consistently favors the "House" and not the trader. So, getting to a true non-directional position in retail FX, is pretty much a non-starter.

Therefore, a shift in the thinking of the trader about what "Non-Directional" means, might be in order, to produce some creative thoughts about the actual benefits of being Non-Directional in the first place. Why be Non-Directional anyway?

1) To reduce overall trade risk.

2) To maximize overall trade returns.

3) To lower the overall cost of the trade.

4) To maintain an equity curve with a positive slope.

5) To reduce emotional, psychological and physical stress.

That is what good ND trading offers the trader. But, at least in retail FX, it has been virtually impossible to achieve, save for a couple of examples cited above, while maintaining access to the same large liquidity pools available in directional FX trading. Let's face it, being "naked" in any market comes with a level of inherent risk that cannot be overlooked, or underestimated. And, it is the Achilles Heel, of the average Forex trader, no doubt. No matter how good the directional system or method being used, it cannot overcome this drawback.

So, there must be a way to achieve the same benefits of Non-Directional trading, in a fixed Directional FX world. And, that's what this thread is all about. As traders, we have to ask ourselves: Is there another way? Is there a way to be in the FX market, without regard for direction? And, if so, then how it is done?

What are your first thoughts on the idea itself. Is it possible in your estimation? How do you get Non-Directional results from an inherently Directional market? On the surface, it would seem impossible, no?

Let's open up the floor and talk about this little known and very rarely properly executed methodology in trading the FX. If you know what it is, put it out there for further discussion. If you don't know what it is, sit back, relax and enjoy the ride.

Do you really need indicators to consistently make profits in FX? Or, do you simply need to enter the market at a specific point, while doing exactly what the market does, for as long as the market does it?