Timeframe To Consistent Profitable Trades From Scratch?


Hi all

I am just getting into learning forex and want to ask your opinion on how long it takes to start consistently generating profitable trades? If somewhere to learn trading like it was a job and applied themselves to learning 8hrs a day 5 days a week....would it be unreasonable to assume profitable consistent trades after 6 months?

Interested in your opinion and own personal experience.



i'm a part-time trader, trading for atleast 7 years , with the first 3 years failed then i tried to find many ea to trade automatically but still failed for 2 years, but sience i've found the vsa "volume spread analysis" in the last 2 years , i trade manually with successful and i've found it is very good to trade gold on 4hours chart for long-term and 15 mins chart for trading intraday. if you're interested in vsa just google it cheers


without mis-fire , or too eager ; then you are winning (when balance grow , rather than drop like a staircase)

only if you can be a SNIPER without wasting bullet, then you won -- learning curve completed [ but lot of time, when the chart look easy, it still got some thing to do with habit : IMPULSE ENTRY )


So far you read those Legend Market Wizards, they trade on which Timeframe ?

Follow them! If success, tune down lower Time Frame, to the next Level.