Forex Books - page 85


GARCH Models: Structure, Statistical Inference and Financial Applications : the book

This book provides a comprehensive and systematic approach to understanding GARCH time series models and their applications whilst presenting the most advanced results concerning the theory and practical aspects of GARCH. The probability structure of standard GARCH models is studied in detail as well as statistical inference such as identification, estimation and tests. The book also provides coverage of several extensions such as asymmetric and multivariate models and looks at financial applications.

Key features:

- Provides up-to-date coverage of the current research in the probability, statistics and econometric theory of GARCH models.

- Numerous illustrations and applications to real financial series are provided.

- Supporting website featuring R codes, Fortran programs and data sets.

- Presents a large collection of problems and exercises.

This authoritative, state-of-the-art reference is ideal for graduate students, researchers and practitioners in business and finance seeking to broaden their skills of understanding of econometric time series models.

Tim Bourquin, Nicholas Mango - Traders at Work: How the World's Most Successful Traders Make Their Living in the Markets : the book

Shortly after most novice traders discover how trading works and begin to realize that they have the potential to make unlimited amounts of money in the financial markets, they start dreaming the near-impossible dream. They fantasize about buying that condo in Boca Raton for their parents or surprising their son with a brand-new car on his 16th birthday. They even begin to imagine themselves opening their own trading firm or milling about the pit of the Chicago Mercantile Exchange, lobbying against other professional traders for the perfect entry into a once-in-a-lifetime trade. But then ... they watch the markets lurch in wildly unpredictable ways, lose their shirts in a few live trades, and then freeze in their tracks, wondering if they will ever be able to consistently trade in a manner that can even loosely be defined as “profitable.”

To be sure, becoming a full-time, professional trader, working at a proprietary trading firm, or managing the trading activity of a hedge fund may sound like the perfect career, but it’s all too easy for beginner traders to overestimate their trading abilities, underestimate the movements of the markets, and find themselves in a financial hole of epic proportions after a few bad trades. So what does it really take to make a living in the markets? Tim Bourquin, co-founder of Traders Expo and the Forex Trading Expo and founder of, and freelance writer and editor Nick Mango set out to answer that exact question in Traders at Work, a unique collection of over 20 interviews with some of the world’s most successful professional traders, from at-home hobbyists who have opened their own firms to those working at hedge funds, on proprietary trading desks, and in exchange pits.

What mistakes did Anne-Marie Baiynd make early in her career? What does Michael Toma wish he had known about trading? What trading strategies work best for Linda Raschke? How does John Carter remain cool, calm, and collected when the markets are sending mixed signals? And how did Todd Gordon make the transition from part-time to full-time trader? Bourquin and Mango ask all of these questions and more in Traders at Work and in doing so reveal insider insights on what it takes to be a successful trader from those who are living that dream. Fascinating, compelling, and filled with never-before-told stories from the front lines of the trading arena, Traders at Work is required reading for anyone who has ever asked themselves if they have what it takes to trade for a living.

What you’ll learn

How some of the world’s best traders became consistently profitable in the markets, quit their day jobs, and made the career transition to full-time trading

How to manage the roller coaster of your emotions and make smarter trading decisions in up, down, and sideways markets

Daily techniques for minimizing your trading risks while maximizing your profit potential

Insider stories from some of the most well-recognized prop desks and hedge funds in the financial industry

The most common mistakes leading traders made early on in their careers and how to avoid making them yourself

Who this book is for

Traders at Work is a book for active beginner to advanced retail traders, those thinking about trying their hand at trading, and those with retirement accounts or mutual funds who want to take a more active role in the management of their finances. It will also appeal to readers with a more general and passive interest in the financial markets who want to know how the markets work, how ordinary people can profit from them, and why the trading profession is so enticing to so many people. It is targeted to readers who buy how-to investing and trading books but who are also interested in the lifestyles and unique market experiences of those who trade for a living. Readers of Trading for a Living, Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom, The Way of the Turtle, and Market Wizards will be especially interested in the interviews contained in Traders at Work.

Visual Guide to Hedge Funds (Bloomberg Financial) by Richard C. Wilson : the book

Vivid graphics make hedge funds, how they work and how to invest in them, accessible for investors and finance professionals

Despite the recent wave of scandals related to the hedge fund industry, interest in hedge funds as a relatively safe alternative investment remains high. Yet details about how the industry operates and the strategies employed by different types of hedge funds is hard to come by. With increasing calls from lawmakers and the media for industry reform, it is incumbent upon finance professionals and high-net-worth individuals to take a good look before leaping into hedge funds. That's where the Bloomberg Visual Guide to Hedge Funds comes in. It provides a graphically rich, comprehensive overview of the industry and its practitioners, zeroing in on how different types of hedge funds work.

Based on extensive interviews with hedge fund managers, analysts and other industry experts, the book provides a detailed look at the industry and how it works

Outlines investment strategies employed by both long and short hedge funds, as well as global macro strategies

Arms you with need-to-know tips, tools and techniques for success with all hedge fund investment strategies

Provides a highly visual presentation with an emphasis on graphics and professional applications

Real-life examples take you inside how hedge funds illustrating how they operate, who manages them and who invests in them

Kevin Haggerty - Trading With The Generals :

he Generals: Either Trade With Them Or Potentially Lose...It's Your Choice

* My Primary Strategies Plus Advanced Tools

* Selection Of Daily Stock And Index Trading Setups

* Risk Control And Money Management

* Using Trading Technology To Your Advantage

* Interactive Training Exercises: Learning To Apply Your Knowledge To The Real World

* Q & A Session

I. The Generals: Either Trade With Them Or Lose...It's Your Choice

Who are the Generals and why are they important to you as a trader? The Generals are large mutual funds and major money managers, and broker/dealers.

They are important to you because they are the ones who move the markets! I will show you how to gain an edge in your trading by teaching you the specific behaviors the Generals repeat over and over again as they react to information flow. The best part of this is that you and I can monitor this very same information each day. You will learn how the Generals think and operate so that you will be better equipped to know what to buy, when to it buy it and how to trade it. You will also learn how the Generals interact with Hedge Funds (whom I call the Accelerators) and the Weak Hands who are the private traders operating in various time frames attempting to make short-term profits. Having this knowledge enables to you to trade on the same side as the Generals as they move the markets, instead of getting whipsawed along with the Weak Hands.

This knowledge, together with the strategies and advanced tools I teach you, will enable you to trade both sides of the market in any environment. It matters little whether you are trading during bull or bear markets.

II. My Primary Strategies Plus Advanced Tools

Once you fully understand how the Generals move the markets, I will teach you the best strategies to use on a daily basis in order to trade in sync with the flow of their money in and out of the markets. Whether the market is basing, advancing, topping out or declining, you will have an optimal strategy to apply. Plus, I will teach you how to use the advanced tools I use in order to improve the probability of each trade as well as other tactics that I have not taught in previous courses.

You will learn:


My favorite first-hour trading strategies. You will learn how to apply my Opening Reversal, Trap Door and Flip Top trading strategies to trade alongside professional traders who make most of their money during the first hour of trading.


New! How to trade powerful moves fueled by program traders. I will teach you how to use my favorite strategy, Slim Jims, to enter intraday breakouts that are triggered by program traders during certain hours of the day.


New! How to find the best trades through early-detection of buying and selling pressure. Whether you are a daytrader or long-term investor, I will show you how to select the best trades by detecting which stocks are under significant buying and selling pressure before your entry.


New! All of my primary strategies, plus how to incorporate them with advanced tools such as my Volatility Bands, Fibonacci, price and time measurements as well as regression channels. My primary strategies by themselves enable you to potentially succeed, but when you combine these advanced tools, you gain an edge in your trading that very few possess.


New! Advanced Fibonacci strategies for all time frames. Fibonacci is one of the most valuable tools I use and in my course, I will teach you how to use retracements and extensions in conjunction with moving averages, support and resistance on the weekly and daily charts. Using this strategy, you'll be able to determine which long-term inflection points will dictate what might happen intraday throughout the week.


New! How to trade fast moving trends using a new variation on 1,2,3s. Through this new twist, I will show you how to use abbreviated 1,2,3s to enter a narrow, but potentially rewarding window of opportunity in steep, momentum-driven trends.


How to trade major reversals in stocks and the indices using my 1,2,3 and RST strategies. I will teach you how to apply these reversal patterns in order to potentially buy market bottoms and sell market tops in any time frame including intraday, daily and even weekly bars.


How to pinpoint the sectors and groups that are ready to explode. I will teach you how I read the minds of the Generals every morning by using my S&P 500, NDX 100, 3 Day Wake Up Call, and Change in Direction screens to identify the sectors and groups they are aggressively hitting on.


How to construct your exact plan of attack for your entire week of trading. These are the "what if" scenarios I run through my head at the beginning of each week. By doing the same weekly ritual I go through, you can prepare yourself to react to virtually anything that happens. There is no excuse for being surprised, as often happens with the trend followers and momentum players.


How to interpret volume and price patterns so you can anticipate the next direction in the market. When the market is going higher and I see this volume pattern, I'm looking for reversals...while the news media is pumping the new highs. I will teach how to recognize and apply this pattern every day.


The definitive approaches to using Volatility Bands to identify reversal zones in any stock or index. Volatility Bands are one of my favorite tools. Here, you'll learn how to find the highest probability trades with the best risk/reward characteristics.

...and much, much more!

III. Selection Of Daily Stock And Index Trading Setups

What is the best way to ensure your success in applying the strategies I teach you during my course? The answer is...consistent planning and preparation--every day, no exceptions.

In this portion of our 20 hours together, I will show you how my preparation ritual plays out each day after the market closes. You will learn how to combine the use of my proprietary screens with the TradingMarkets Stock Scanner in order to quickly and efficiently identify stocks that are exhibiting buying or selling pressure. As you find these stocks, you will just add them one-by-one to your hit list for the next day's trading.

And once you have your full list of stocks in hand, I will walk you through the step-by-step process of analyzing their charts in order to find the trades that have highest potential for success if they are triggered the next day by a continuation of buying or selling pressure.

Here's Good News If You Trade The S&Ps, E-minis or QQQs...

The stock selection strategies I teach are of great value if you trade the E-minis, S&Ps or the QQQs. The analysis process of the screens that I lay out for you will enable you to trade in sync with the Generals as they either pump money in or out of the market.

IV. Risk Control And Money Management

In the next part of the course, I will help you to master the most underutilized, yet most important, key to successful trading -- controlling risk with proper money management. It is particularly important to equip yourself with the right money management strategies during the challenging markets ahead.

I will teach you how to use The Traders' Equation, a formula for trading discipline that I have applied for years in order to unhesitatingly execute entries, initial stops, trailing stops and exits as my trading strategies dictate.

Now, I will show you how use The Traders' Equation just as I do in order to maximize your trading, and most importantly, manage your losses.

V. Using Trading Technology To Your Advantage

Also, we will identify the very best trading technology needed to maximize your results from all of the strategies that I will be teaching you.

Trading is a split-second game, and I will show you how to gain an edge over the many thousands of top traders you are competing against. I will share with you the various monthly, weekly, daily and intraday chart configurations that work best for me and how I lay out all the indicators that I use.

You will learn how I use these multiple screens and indicators to identify trading setups and as quickly and accurately as possible, and when entries are triggered...take immediate action on them.

VI. Interactive Training Exercises: Learning To Apply Your Knowledge To The Real World

Finally, to ensure that you are able to successfully apply every strategy and technique that I teach you, I will test you by applying, practicing and drilling your newfound knowledge at recognizing and selecting trades.


Bond Math: The Theory Behind the Formulas by Donald J. Smith : the book

A guide to the theory behind bond math formulas

Bond Math explores the ideas and assumptions behind commonly used statistics on risk and return for individual bonds and on fixed income portfolios. But this book is much more than a series of formulas and calculations; the emphasis is on how to think about and use bond math.

Author Donald J. Smith, a professor at Boston University and an experienced executive trainer, covers in detail money market rates, periodicity conversions, bond yields to maturity and horizon yields, the implied probability of default, after-tax rates of return, implied forward and spot rates, and duration and convexity. These calculations are used on traditional fixed-rate and zero-coupon bonds, as well as floating-rate notes, inflation-indexed securities, and interest rate swaps.

Puts bond math in perspective through discussions of bond portfolios and investment strategies.

Critiques the Bloomberg Yield Analysis (YA) page, indicating which numbers provide reliable information for making decisions about bonds, which are meaningless data, and which can be very misleading to investors

Filled with thought-provoking insights and practical advice, this book puts the intricacies of bond math into a clear and logical order.

Investing and the Irrational Mind: Rethink Risk, Outwit Optimism, and Seize Opportunities Others Miss By Robert Koppel : the book

Most investors are driven by greed and panicked by fear, which is why so many lose so much during market upheavals. It's also why so few gain so much. What separates the winners from the losers? People who remain calm, focused, and analytical during market ups and downs always come out on top--and snatch the losses of those who panic.

Investing and the Irrational Mind gives you the tools for overcoming the self-destructive impulses that stand between you and profit. Behavioral finance expert Robert Koppel reveals why your brain sends certain negative messages during the investing process. Applying the latest advances in neuroeconomics and insights from top traders, he provides a program for building the habits used by the world’s most successful investors.

Investing and the Irrational Mind teaches you how to:

  • Identify negative, self-defeating patterns of thought
  • Tailor your goals according to your particular investing psychology
  • Develop a framework for overcoming irrational thoughts in investment decisions
  • Use one of your most powerful investing tools--intuition

The investing world operates by the law of the jungle, with a new surprise lurking around every corner. How often have you abandoned a perfectly sound investing strategy because you panicked? "Success requires focused concentration that permits an unbiased perception of the market," writes Koppel. "All we can ever control is ourselves, but that is more than enough."

Armed with 30 years of experience as an analyst and fund manager, Koppel helps you develop a focused, disciplined, confident, and profitable approach to investing using the best tool at your disposal: your brain. Filled with surprising insights into human behavior and rock-solid financial advice, Investing and the Irrational Mind helps you draw consistent profits in an inconsistent investing world.

Octopus: Sam Israel, the Secret Market, and Wall Street's Wildest Con by Guy Lawson : the book

Octopus is a real-life thriller that tells the inside story of an audacious hedge fund fraud and the wild search, by a colorful cast of rogues and schemers, for a “secret market” beneath the financial market we all know.

Sam Israel was a man who seemed to have it all – until the hedge fund he ran, Bayou, imploded and he became the target of a nationwide manhunt. Born into one of America’s most illustrious trading families, Israel was determined to strike out on his own. So after apprenticing with one of the greatest hedge fund traders of the 1980’s, Sam founded his own fund and promised his investors guaranteed profits. With the proprietary computer program he’d created, he claimed to be able to predict the future.

But his future was already beginning to unravel.

After suffering devastating losses and fabricating fake returns, Israel knew it was only a matter of time before his real performance would be discovered, so when a former black-ops intelligence operative told him about a “secret market” run by the Fed, Israel bet his last $150 million on a chance to make billions. Thus began his year-long adventure in “the Upperworld” -- a society populated by clandestine bankers, shady European nobility, and spooks issuing cryptic warnings about a mysterious cabal known as the Octopus.

Whether the “secret market” was real or a con, Israel was all in – and as the pressures mounted and increasingly sinister violence crept into his life, he struggled to break free of the Octopus’ tentacles.

Michael D. Archer, "Getting Started in Currency Trading: Winning in Today's Hottest Marketplace (2nd Edition)" : the book

While the Foreign Exchange (FOREX) market can be a very profitable place, you must have a firm understanding of how to operate within this environment if you intend on achieving any success. That's why you need Getting Started in Currency Trading, Second Edition. This reliable resource-written for both newcomers and those with some FOREX experience-puts trading world currencies in perspective, and shows you exactly what it takes to make it in this field.

Trading in the Zone: Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline and a Winning Attitude By Mark Douglas : the book

Maximizing the trader’s state of mind is the key to successful results. Conflicts, contradictions and paradoxes in thinking can spell disaster for even a highly motivated, astute and well grounded trader. Mark Douglas, a trader, personal trading coach, and industry consultant since 1982, sends the message that "thinking strategy" will profoundly influence a trader’s success rate. Douglas addresses five very specific issues to give traders the insight and understanding about themselves that will make them consistent winners in the market.

Trading In The Zone offers specific solutions to the “people factor” of commodity price movement. It uncovers the true culprit for lack of consistency when it comes to stock picking: lack of focus and self-confidence. Through simple exercises, traders will learn how to think in terms of probabilities, and adopt the specific beliefs necessary to developing a winner’s mindset. Along the way, they’ll gain valuable insights into their own entrenched misconceptions about the market.

Backed by compelling examples, Trading In The Zone adds a new dimension to getting an edge on the market. Through a better understanding of themselves, as well as of Wall Street’s realities, traders will come to leverage the power of their psyche for unprecedented profitability.

John Stephenson, John Mauldin, "The Little Book of Commodity Investing" : the book

The world has changed and so too has investing. The market is shell shocked and yesterday's momentum stocks are today's slow-motion stocks. But in the new reality of low-growth investing, commodities are hot and getting hotter. A rapidly industrializing and urbanizing Asia will be demanding lots more copper, zinc, iron ore, coal, fertilizers, gold and oil to transform their societies. Commodities are it and that's great news for investors who want to profit from the next great bull market in commodities. In fact, commodities may be about the only asset class that is likely to outperform the broad market in the future.

Although they are without a doubt important to the global economy, commodities are among the most misunderstood of all asset classes. Stocks, bonds and real estate all have legions of followers and plenty of experts agree on their importance within an investment portfolio, but venture into the world of commodities and you are into an area that's intimidating to the average investor, where suspicions run deep and understanding is limited. As a result, commodities get short-shrift in most investment accounts and investors miss out on some important opportunities.

The Little Book of Commodity Investing is an indispensible guide to learning the ins and outs of commodity investing. It's about identifying opportunities to profit from the coming bull market in commodities. It explains the benefits of commodities as part of a well diversified investment portfolio; covers all of the major commodities markets; what makes commodities and the companies that produce them tick; why commodities sometimes zig and then zag; what to buy and when to buy it; and why commodities are the next big thing.

Today's world is a very different world-a world where an understanding of commodities is a prerequisite for investment success. And The Little Book of Commodity Investing is the roadmap you need to discover where the opportunities of the future lie, and what to do about it.