DigisalFX Trading System - Need Backtesters and Programmers


I am a member of this forum since a long time and this is my first post. I have been studying the markets and charts, after all this i have given a conclusion to myself that nothing such as a holy grail exists. More importantly you shouldnt gamble with yourself or the markets.

Anyways to get to the point, i have an idea. Its not backtested nor guaranteed to work but i strongly believe in its success.

This idea consists of various factors for a trade. This plan can be used to place intraday as well as range trades.

I made this strategy mainly for regular forex options and binary options. Works pretty well and placing one trade daily in options (win or loss) i have more than 90% success.

If everything works good, why am i here?

Its because the forward testing is done only for 3 weeks and about 2 months of historical data. Thus i need to enhance this strategy so i have an "almost" perfect strategy. For this I need one financial expert and anyone whos good with programming and backtesting.

Anyone whos willing can reply to this thread and we can take it from there.

P.S My strategy might sound stupid to you, but it "might" work for a long time. Critics please don't reply.


post your system rules, and indicators also with charts too. otherwise other member do not know what you are taking about. and unable to help you to improve your system


Yes, please provide more information on the criteria of your system. Then, I'm pretty sure a few fellow traders will be willing to assist you with your endeavor. GL!


financial expert

I am a member of this forum since a long time and this is my first post. I have been studying the markets and charts, after all this i have given a conclusion to myself that nothing such as a holy grail exists. More importantly you shouldnt gamble with yourself or the markets.

Anyways to get to the point, i have an idea. Its not backtested nor guaranteed to work but i strongly believe in its success.

This idea consists of various factors for a trade. This plan can be used to place intraday as well as range trades.

I made this strategy mainly for regular forex options and binary options. Works pretty well and placing one trade daily in options (win or loss) i have more than 90% success.

If everything works good, why am i here?

Its because the forward testing is done only for 3 weeks and about 2 months of historical data. Thus i need to enhance this strategy so i have an "almost" perfect strategy. For this I need one financial expert and anyone whos good with programming and backtesting.

Anyone whos willing can reply to this thread and we can take it from there.

P.S My strategy might sound stupid to you, but it "might" work for a long time. Critics please don't reply.

I am a financial expert ( I have a master)

Why you need a financial expert?????
